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Prototype Center On Site

Developing and constructing an effective prototype is one of the most important steps in the design process for a new product. However, developing, producing, and testing a prototype presents an entirely different set of challenges and requirements than manufacturing a product once it has been fully designed.

In order to produce the best prototype possible, you will need to make use of a dedicated prototype center. At Hansen International, we are pleased to be able to offer prototype development and testing services at our on-site prototype center. This prototype center is the same one we use to develop and test the prototypes for our own products. However, in addition to using this prototype center to build and test our own prototypes, our prototype development and testing services allow the manufacturers that we work with to make use of this state-of-the-art prototype center as well.

When you are able to build and thoroughly test a prototype, the odds of producing a successful final design are dramatically increased. If you would like to learn more about the prototype development and testing services that we offer at Hansen International, we invite you to contact us today.